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Renowned Speakers

Agnieszka Wójtowicz

University Of Life sciences in Lublin Poland

Efterpi Christaki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

Beata Biernacka

University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland

T. B. S. Rajput

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India India

Marcin Mitrus

University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland

Abdullah Iqbal

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Bangladesh. Bangladesh

Dr. Shahrul Razid Sarbini

Universiti Putra Malaysia Kampus Bintulu Sarawak Malaysia Malaysia

Food Science Congress 2024

About Conference

Food Science Congress 2024 welcomes all the speakers, delegates, moderators, enthusiastic researchers and exhibitors from all around the world to attend the “7th European Food Science Congress” scheduled on April 17-18, 2024 at  Amsterdam, Netherlands. The primary topic of the conference is “leverage your abilities by being knowledgeable about the food science congress”.

The focus of Food Science Congress will be on discussing the most recent findings in the fields of nutritional science, immunology and food allergies, food toxicology, food engineering and technology, human nutrition, food omics, and food additives. This also includes exhibitions, oral talks, poster presentations, and keynote addresses. Professors, deans, academic researchers, industrialists, nutritionists, dieticians, doctors, young scientists, students, delegates, health professionals in nutritionist, and talented understudy groups from universities and research labs can participate in this conference as a global forum for sharing the most recent advancements in the fields of food science, nutrition, and health.

Theme: "Recent Research and Invention in Food Science and Nutrition”.

Why to attend :

The ideal place for you to interact with members of the food science associations, food & nutritional sciences organizations, food chemistry & biochemistry societies, and academics in the field of food science is on this platform. It primarily focuses on utilising your skills by being knowledgeable about the food science congress and other related topics, as well as for the initiation of new evaluations and technologies and the effectiveness of various regulatory programmes on food science & nutrition towards the food science congress 2023 conducts presentations, shares knowledge, meets with current potential and eminent scientists, and receives name recognition at this two-day event..

Our aim is to aggregate community and to create a platform for exchange of information on technological developments, new scientific innovations and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards food science congress . It provides a premier technical forum for expressing and knowledge about the advanced research and developments, as well as exploration of new applications, technologies and to explore new trends in the field of Food Science and Nutrition.

Food Science Congress 2024 will bring together the Food Scientists, Sensory analysis, Food Analyst, Flavour Scientists, Nutritionists, Agronomist, Microbiologists, Chemists, Quality Assurance Specialists, and Quality Assurance Managers, Specialists in Veterinary and Animal Foods, Product Recall Specialists, Product Development Specialists, Quality Control Specialists, Machine Development Specialists, Equipment Handling Specialist etc.

Individuals involved in Agriculture, Investors, Startup, Government Organization, Researchers and Lecturers and Students to enhance the knowledge about Food and Agri and connect the experts to find the answer about the crucial problems e.g hunger, obesity, food security.


Track 1 : Food Science and Technology

Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with the manufacturing processes that produce foods. It is a science that begins with the procedures and principles involved in the processing and preservation of food substances. The goal of food technology research is to develop new methods and systems for keeping food products safe and free of natural toxins such as bacteria and other microorganisms.

Track 2 : Agriculture and Food Technology

The Agri-food sector encompasses the entire food manufacturing and distribution process, from farming to the point of consumption. Agricultural technology, or agri-tech, is concerned with developing new technologies to increase food production.The primary goal of agri-tech is to reduce the environmental impact of farming, but it can also increase productivity, profit, or health and safety.

Track 3 : Food Processing and Engineering

Food engineering is an interdisciplinary field that includes microbiology, applied physical sciences, chemistry, and food and related production engineering. The application of agricultural, mechanical, and chemical engineering principles to food materials is also included. Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food or one type of food into another. Food processing includes many different types of food processing, ranging from grinding grain to make raw flour to home cooking to complex industrial methods used to produce convenience foods..

Track 4: Food and Bioprocessed Material Chemistry

The study of chemical measures and relationships of all biological and non-biological mechanisms of foods is known as food chemistry. Meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk are examples of biological materials. It is similar to biochemistry in that it contains carbohydrates, lipids, and protein, but it also includes water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavours, and colours. This discipline also includes how products are modified as a result of specific food processing techniques and methods, either to improve or to prevent them from occurring.

Track 5 : Technology in Food and Dairy

Dairy Technology is concerned with the processing of milk and milk products. Dairy technology is a branch of engineering concerned with the production of milk and its derivatives. Dairy technology research entails the processing, storage, packaging, distribution, and transportation of dairy products using bacteriology, nutrition, and biochemistry.

Track 6 : Microbiology of Food

Food microbiology is the scientific study of microorganisms that are useful in food and in the production of food. This includes microbes that contaminate food as well as those that are used in its production, such as yoghurt, cheese, beer, and wine. It is the study of microorganisms that inhibit, create, or pollute food, as well as the study of microorganisms that cause food spoilage, pathogens that may cause disease, especially if food is improperly cooked or stored; they are used to produce fermented foods such as cheese, yoghurt, bread, beer, and wine, as well as those with other useful roles such as probiotics manufacturing.

Track 7 : Food Selection and Consumer Behavior

Every day, people make food decisions based on their past experiences, perceptual differences, habitual intake, and responses to environmental cues. Sensory science is concerned with and evaluates the characteristics of foods that make them appealing to consumers. This enables food companies to create foods that are popular among various market segments, including children. Sensory science methods can also be used to understand biological variation that predisposes individuals to consume or avoid foods that may have an impact on health and wellness.

Track 8 : Dietetics and Food Nutrition

Nutrition is the science concerned with the relationships of nutrients and other materials in food to an organism's preservation, growth, reproduction, health, and disease. Food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism, and excretion are all part of the process. The active management of food intake and nutrition are both essential for good health. Smart nutrition and food choices can aid in disease prevention. Eating the right foods can help your body deal with an ongoing illness more effectively. Understanding good nutrition and paying attention to what you eat can assist you in maintaining or improving your health.

Track 9 : Biotechnology in Food

Food Biotechnology focuses on the evolution and solicitation of modern genetics, enzymatic, metabolic, and systems-based biochemical procedures in food and food-related biological schemes. The goal is to assist in the production and improvement of foods, food ingredients, and functional foods at the processing stage and beyond agricultural production. Genetically modified plants are used to develop taste, shell life, nutrition, and food excellence. Genetically modified food is manufactured using biotechnological tools.

Track 10 : Food Preserving

Food preservation is well-known as the science that deals with the process of preventing food spoilage and storing it in a fit condition for future use. Preservation ensures that the food's quality, edibility, and nutritional value are not harmed. To reduce rancidity, preservation entails preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms as well as delaying oxidation of fats. The procedure also ensures that there is no discoloration or ageing and includes sealing to prevent microbe re-entry. Essentially, food preservation ensures that food does not become contaminated by pathogenic organisms or chemicals and does not lose its optimal colour, texture, flavour, and nutritional value.

Track 11: Food Management and Innovation

In recent years, the concept of food innovation has been increasingly incorporated around food companies. The term "innovation" is frequently associated with new product development, but it can also be applied to corporate marketing, processes, quality assurance, and food safety disciplines. Disruptive and incremental innovation are the two broad categories that innovation experts use to classify novelty.

Track 12 : Food Hygiene and Safety

Food safety refers to the regulation of the presence of threats, whether chronic or acute, that may cause food to be harmful to the consumer's health. Food safety is the process of producing, handling, storing, and preparing food in such a way that infection and contamination are avoided throughout the food manufacturing chain, and to help ensure that food quality and goodness are maintained to promote good health. Food hygiene refers to the conditions and measures required to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. A lack of adequate food hygiene can result in foodborne diseases, which can be fatal. The goal of food hygiene is to produce and deliver safe food, thereby contributing to a healthy and creative society.

Track 13 : Food Packaging

The purpose of food packaging is to protect the packed products and keep them fresh. Food packaging is a synchronised system of communicating food for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and ultimately satisfying consumer desires at an affordable cost. According to the World Packaging Organization, bad packaging causes more than 25% of food waste. As a result, ideal packaging can help to reduce the large amount of food waste. Food packaging preserves food nutrition, ensures timely and consistent delivery of food throughout the value chain, and reduces post-harvest losses.

Track 14 : Food Toxicology

Food toxicology is the study of how natural or synthetic poisons and toxicants found in foods cause harmful, detrimental, or adverse side effects in living organisms. Food Toxicology protects against various aspects of food safety and toxicology, such as the nature, properties, effects, and detection of toxic substances in food, as well as their disease manifestations in humans. Other stages of consumer product safety will also be covered. Radioactive components, heavy metals, and food packaging materials are examples of such substances. A food toxicologist is someone who studies toxicants in food, the health effects of high nutrient intakes, and the relationship between toxicants and nutrients.

Track 15 : Food-borne Diseases

Foodborne sickness, foodborne syndrome, or food poisoning are all illnesses caused by contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food. Foodborne illnesses are infections or irritations of the gastrointestinal tract caused by food or beverages containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, or chemicals. The GI tract is a collection of hollow organs connected by a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus. Nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, and chills are common symptoms of foodborne illnesses.

Track 16 : Advancement in Food Technology

Customers have begun to prefer processed foods over staples as financial prudence in many Countries grows. In fact, the global food processing technology industry has grown to several trillion dollars. According to reports, approximately 16 million people work in the food industry. Recent advancements in food processing and technology are critical not only for meeting rising productivity demands, but also for implementing sophisticated automation, control, and monitoring methods and techniques.

Track 17 : Management of Food Waste

Food waste or food loss refers to food that is discarded or lost uneaten. Food waste or loss occurs for a variety of reasons and occurs at various stages of production, processing, retailing, and consumption. Food waste has become a multifaceted phenomenon in recent years, capturing the attention of scientists, consumers, and activists alike. It has been described as a global paradox that agriculture is prioritised in order to advance food security, yet one-third of all food produced is wasted.

Track 18: Food and Agricultural Immunology

Food and Agricultural Immunology presents original immunological research in the fields of food, agriculture, the environment, and veterinary medicine. It discusses a sympathetic view of the interactions between the food and immune systems, as well as studies on the development of diagnostic systems - all types of ligand-based assays such as antibody and aptmer.

Track 19 : Nutraceuticals & Nutrition Supplements

A nutraceutical is a food or component of a food that promotes health benefits such as disease treatment and prevention. Nutraceuticals are harvests that are used for both medicine and nutrition. A nutraceutical product is a component that offers physiological benefits as well as protection against chronic disease. Nutraceuticals can be used to improve health, slow the ageing process, prevent chronic diseases, prolong life, or support the body's structure or function. Any dietary supplement that is expected to provide nutrients that would otherwise be insufficiently consumed, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, or other nutritional substances, is considered a nutritional supplement. Typically, products are taken in the form of a capsule, tablet, or liquid.

Track 20 : Seafood Processing

Seafood includes finfish, crustaceans, cephalopods, echinoderms, mollusks, and gastropods, as well as fish and fish-derived substances. Seafood processing refers to the procedures associated with fish and fish products between the time the fish is caught or harvested and the time the final food is delivered to the customer. Although the term specifically refers to fish, it is more broadly applied to any aquatic organism harvested for marketable purposes, whether caught in wild fisheries or harvested from aquaculture or fish farming.

Track 21 : Sensory Evaluation

Sensory analysis, also known as sensory evaluation, is a scientific discipline that uses principles of experimental design and statistical analysis to evaluate consumer products using human senses such as sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. The evaluation process includes boards of human inspectors who test the products and record their responses. It is possible to make suggestions and gain insights about the products under test by applying statistical methods to the results.

Track 22 : Enology and Brewing Science

The study of wine and winemaking is known as enology. The new facility enables us to expand our experimental winemaking platform in order to test new grape varieties and winemaking techniques. It enables us to scale our experiments up to industrial production levels. An enologist is someone who works in the field of enology and understands the scientific principles of winemaking, including desirable characteristics associated with the grape itself.

Track 23 : Food and Flavour Chemistry

Flavour chemistry is a scientific discipline that regulates the individual compounds responsible for the distinctive flavour of foods and beverages. Flavour chemistry can be used to identify both positive and negative compounds linked to specific carnal characteristics. Flavor chemistry can also be linked with descriptive sensory evaluation using multivariate statistical methods to identify the compounds directly responsible for sensory perception. The more information available about a product, the more likely it is that a key relationship, which has a direct and indirect influence on the formation of key flavour compounds, can be elucidated.

Track 24 : Meat Science and Processing Technology

Meat is a unique biological material with important nutritional and health implications. Meat Science and Processing Technology combines the knowledge of meat scientists and food engineers in a broad approach to meat processing. The meat industry relies on consistent high-quality and safe meat products.

Track 25 : Bioinformatics in FoodTech

Food plays an important role in regulating the body's numerous processes. With the advancement of the "omics" aeon, bioinformatics curates and infers biological data through computational means, and thus it has seen extensive integration across all corrections of life sciences, including food sciences. Bioinformatics can be used to competently contact all genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data discovered thus far and make this data available to any individual group, industry, or company in order to improve the quality, taste, and nutritional value of food that is to be manufactured..

Track 26 : Global Food Security

Food security occurs when all people have access to enough safe and nutritious food to meet their needs for a healthy life in ways that the world can withstand in the future. However, food safety involves a number of responsibilities in both manufacturing and consumption, which will require research to resolve.

Track 27 : Food Authentication

Consumers are increasingly concerned about food safety and quality, and they want assurances about the origin and content of their foods. Furthermore, in order to comply with government legislation, manufacturers must be able to authenticate the constituents of their products. Food authentication is a rapidly expanding field as public awareness of food quality and safety grows.

Track 28 : Food and Quality Control

The food industry deals with extremely delicate products. As a result, maintaining excellence standards and adhering to quality requirements is critical for food industry players. Food quality refers to the qualities of food that are acceptable to consumers. This includes external factors such as appearance, consistency, and flavour, as well as internal factors such as federal grade standards. Quality control (QC) is a reactive process that seeks to identify and correct flaws in finished products.

Track 29 : Food Consumption and Health Mapping Devices

Several devices that control our health have emerged as a result of technological advancements. These strategies are capable of tracking daily nutrient consumption and providing the user with a detailed report on its use. Individuals can effectively track their own digestion and health using health mapping devices. We encourage and request that those involved in the field of medical devices attend the Food Summit 2019 and share their research!

Track 30 : Food Chemistry

Food chemistry is the study of synthetic measures and the interaction of organic and non-biological components of food. It is similar to organic chemistry in that it manages dietary components such as sugars, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and dietary minerals. It also includes the investigation and development of food additives that can be used to protect the quality of food or to change its colour, flavour, and taste. It is later strongly linked to nourishment handling and preparation strategies. Regardless, there is a systematic debate about the health effects of various food additives.

Track 31 : Food Science

To put it simply, food science is the study of food. It entails the investigation of the physical, biological, and chemical properties of food. Food science also includes the evaluation of food processing, packaging, and safety. There are Food Configuration Databases, which contain detailed information sets on the nutritional value and components of a specific food, such as its carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fibre content. Food's properties are of concern to us, and their composition is at the heart of the Food Science 2019 conference's discussion.

Track 32 : Sports Nutrition

The Rudimentary Nourishment plan includes macro and micronutrients that are required to meet the human body's daily obligations based on the average person's daily activity and eating preferences. The systematic diet ensures that the body receives the daily essential amount of nutrients needed to perform daily tasks and keep our bodies healthy. Sports nutrition, on the other hand, is a little more complicated. The sports diet is tailored to each individual based on their training, body type, goal, muscle growth, and strength building.Sport diets also include macro and micronutrient-rich foods, but the need for other nutrients such as creatine (to improve muscle recovery), multivitamin (replenishes the key water-soluble vitamins lost with daily intense training), Fish oil (to maintain the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), Whey protein (fast absorbing protein), and so on are also considered.

Track 33 : Food Allergies

food allergy is an unusual immune system reaction to a specific food or food component. Itching, reddening, rashes, vomiting, and even diarrhoea are common symptoms. While any food can cause an allergic reaction, milk, eggs, and nuts are the most common culprits. People who are allergic to a specific food must demonstrate that they compensate for the nutrients in their diet by consuming replacements.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 17-18, 2024

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